Nature Based Solutions and Circular Economy

Design and implementation of Water-Food-Energy-Employment-Land Use nexus.

SatisticaTM provide circular economy consultancy based on the fundamental principles of circular economy strategies - reduce, reuse and recycle in order to close the loops of materials and energy flows and eliminate waste. In line with the main aim of circular economy – to decouple resource use and environmental impact from the economic activities, we apply different existing and established methodologies, such as Material Flow Analysis (MFA), environmental (LCA) and economic (LCC) impact assessment to evaluate the circularity performance of different product/service systems. We deliver demonstrable and visual interface for evaluation of the circularity potential of the system and support operational, legislative and policy targets. We address and explore market opportunities and environmental, institutional, social and legislative barriers and drivers to support the strategic business planning.

Our circular economy solutions encompass the following founding principles:

  1. Systems thinking
  2. Eco-effectiveness and cradle to cradle design
  3. Reduce, reuse and recycle
  4. Maximising the value of by-products
  5. Industrial symbiosis
  6. Waste equals energy/food

Our services:

  1. Feasibility Studies.
  2. Research and Development new bespoke systems from Concept to Commissioning.
  3. Turnkey Technology Solutions.
  4. Build Advisory Expert Team to provide advice on improvements, upgrade, expansion, and updates to your existing system.

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Water Management

Our team has a solid experience in tackling a diverse number of water management issues. We are working on the development and implementation of innovative Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions for managing the water utilities infrastructure throughout the entire water supply chain.

Our expertise cover range of multidisciplinary activities including: water resources management and planning, treatment works design, monitoring and optimisation, flood risk assessment. SatisticaTM provides range of expert consulting services including:

  1. Sustainability assessment of the whole water supply chain
  2. Energy efficiency and process optimization
  3. Carbon and water footprint assessment within the water – food – energy nexus
  4. Development, application, optimization and validation of advanced systems, innovative processes and technologies for wastewater treatment and valorisation
  5. Water supply management addressing groundwater and surface water challenges
  6. Development of decision support tools for water resources management

Our services:

  1. Feasibility Studies.
  2. Research and Development new bespoke systems from Concept to Commissioning.
  3. Turnkey Technology Solutions.
  4. Build Advisory Expert Team to provide advice on improvements, upgrade, expansion, and updates to your existing system.

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Waste Management

We provide expert waste management consultancy focused on improving operational efficiency reducing costs and mitigating the environmental footprint of the waste processing activities. We conduct monitoring of all the aspects of waste management and identify suitable solutions for waste reduction, environmental protection and conversion of waste to energy. Our waste management philosophy follows the established waste hierarchy of waste prevention, minimisation, reuse, recycling, energy recovery and final disposal. SatisticaTM  team has experience in providing services of design, monitoring and implementation of innovative waste management solutions in the following sectors:

  1. Municipal waste
  2. Industrial waste
  3. Tourist accommodation waste
  4. Agriculture - livestock waste
  5. Hazardous waste
  6. Construction and demolition waste

Our services:

  1. Feasibility Studies.
  2. Research and Development new bespoke systems from Concept to Commissioning.
  3. Turnkey Technology Solutions.
  4. Build Advisory Expert Team to provide advice on improvements, upgrade, expansion, and updates to your existing system.

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Sustainable development

SatisticaTM team has a vast experience in sustainability assessment of different product/service systems. Our experts have conducted several environmental studies in industrial, municipal and agricultural context. We deliver all stages of environmental impact assessment following the ISO14040 standards and advise clients on incorporating sustainability principles including resource efficiency, management of natural resources, low carbon operation, waste minimisation and social-economic aspects. Our missions is to ensure long term environmental, social and economic sustainability by the identification and implementation of innovative sustainability solutions focused on mitigation of the water, energy and carbon footprint, reduction of costs and increasing the value of the product/service to the customers. Our skills include:

  1. Life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis
  2. Water, energy and carbon footprint assessment
  3. Life cycle costing (LCC)
  4. Environmental policy support
  5. Social-economic assessment

Our services:

  1. Feasibility Studies.
  2. Research and Development new bespoke systems from Concept to Commissioning.
  3. Turnkey Technology Solutions.
  4. Build Advisory Expert Team to provide advice on improvements, upgrade, expansion, and updates to your existing system.

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Digital Manufacturing and Process Engineering Solutions

SatisticaTM – Oncontrol® designs, implements and commissions full scale bespoke Plant Monitoring and Control Systems for a wide range of sectors and industries. These industries include Water and Waste Water Treatment, Pulp and Paper, Mining, Cement, Food, Electronics, Metal and Metallic Composites, and Micro-Nano Manufacturing Technologies.

Our unique Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Key Performance Indicator Suite provides unique and comprehensive insight into Performance, Fault Detection (Preventive Maintenance), Environmental Impact, Energy Consumption, Process and Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Inventory Management.

We design and implement plant level data acquisition systems, control networks, and overall plant control systems. We can also provide large scale solutions for inter-plant and large scale integrated multi-plant systems.

More about Oncontrol® technology

Our DMPES services:

  1. Feasibility Studies.
  2. Research and Development new bespoke systems from Concept to Commissioning.
  3. Turnkey Technology Solutions.
  4. Build Advisory Expert Team to provide advice on improvements, upgrade, expansion, and updates to your existing system.

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Customer Satisfaction Management (CSM)

Our CRM systi is based on the Customer Optimisation Route and Evaluation (CORE) algorithm, the software tool can measure how much a given condition satisfies a criteria. It can therefore measure levels of satisfaction and provide a metric called the "Satisfaction" or the "S" value.

The Satisfaction value (S) is a numeric value between 0-100. Where S = 0 dionstrates no satisfaction and S = 100 represents maximum satisfaction. satistica™ measures the "s" value in real-time. Therefore, the raw data can be collected from any data acquisition systi (e.g. Databases, Online Forms or Questionnaires, Field Sensors, and SCADA) and immediately converted into meaningful and actionable information.

Our CRM solutions encompass (Dashboard and reporting systis):

  • identifying the Target Audience
  • Constructing the Questionnaires
  • Collecting Data (Interviews, online or other special needs)
  • Validation and Verification of the Collected Data
  • Real-Time Data Analysis and Reporting in a customisable dashboard style format

Our CSM services:

  1. Feasibility Studies.
  2. Research and Development new bespoke systems from Concept to Commissioning.
  3. Turnkey Technology Solutions.
  4. Build Advisory Expert Team to provide advice on improvements, upgrade, expansion, and updates to your existing system.

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